Our 35hl & 70hl unitank fermenters and 70hl bright beer tanks are in process of fabrication and will ship to customer at the first week of July.
Our 35hl & 70hl unitank fermenters and 70hl bright beer tanks are in process of fabrication and will ship to customer at the first week of July.
Six units cellar vessels are in progress of fabrication, we can see from the progress photos that the glycol jackets have been completed, the cylindrical shells are finished as well,the next work is to weld the dished top heads and the supports. The manways and valves need to be installed when the tanks are completed, such as the sample valves, ball valves, pressure relif valve, PVRV valves, thermowells and carbonation stones. Before the tanks leave from our factory, all the tanks need to be carefully tested for pressure through our quality inspection department and obtain the pressure certificate. All the tanks will be cleaned by the metal cleaner before the shippment.
We sent the progress photos to customer yesterday and received praise. All the tanks will ship to customer at the first week of July. We are looking forward to the customer's feedback.
If you want to get more information, please contact with:
Jessica Zhao
Mobile: +86-139 4086 7350
Email: jessica.z@dymbrewing.com